211 Iowa
211 is a free, comprehensive information and referral system linking Iowa residents to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs.
See the link for more information. Just search a zip code to see what local resources are available to your family.
Visit 211Iowa.org by clicking this link: 211Iowa.org
Basic Human Needs Resources: food pantries, clothing closets, shelters, rent assistance, utility assistance
Physical and Mental Health Resources: health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare, maternal health care, medical information lines, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, substance abuse and intervention rehabilitation
Employment Supports: financial assistance, job training, educational programs
Support For Older Americans And Persons With Disabilities: adult day care, aging and disability resource centers, congregate meals, respite care, home health care, transportation, homemaker services
Support for Children, Youth and Families: childcare, Head Start, family resource centers, holiday assistance, parenting, summer camps and recreation programs, summer meal programs, mentoring, protective services
Volunteer Opportunities and Donation Services
Warren County Public Health - CPR Course Offerings
Sign up today for American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid Courses Here: Warren County Sign-Up