New Students
Welcome to the Martensdale-St. Marys School District!
Our teachers and staff are looking forward to meeting you and working with student this year.
Welcome to the Martensdale-St. Marys School District!
Our teachers and staff are looking forward to meeting you and working with student this year.
All new students entering Martensdale-St. Marys Community School District must start their registration process in person at the Central Office.
Following an initial visit to the Central Office, new students will need to complete and establish the following:
Proof of Residency
Provide Previous School Records
Set up Class Schedule with the Guidance Department
Provide Updated Medical Records & Birth Certificate
Complete Registration and Pay Fees
Contact Jessica Hart for school transportation needs.
Proof of Residency
All new students entering the district must provide proper documentation establishing residency. The name and address of these documents must match the name and address of the parent or legal guardian of the student(s) being registered. Residency at the physical address is required.
If you own your home, please provide ONE of the following:
Printed verification page to the County Assessor’s website
A copy of your most recent property tax bill
A copy of a recent mortgage statement
A utility bill for the CURRENT month, mailed to your MSTM residence
If you recently closed on a new home:
If you recently made an offer on a home:
If you rent, please provide ONE of the following:
A current, signed lease agreement/rental agreement that must contain property owner’s name, address and signature; and name and signature of the parent/guardian enrolling students
Utility statement from CURRENT month, mailed to your College Community residence
If you live with a family already in the district, please submit ALL of the following:
Proof of your residence at that address (i.e. bank statement, insurance statement, utility bill or any other bill, pay stub from your current employer, etc.)
Verification of residency for the family with whom you are living as listed above
A completed and NOTARIZED copy of the Co-Residency form (contact registrar) Note: depending on reason for co-residency you may be given a temporary residency status
If none of the above “types of residency” describe your current situation or if you do not know whether you reside in the Martensdale-St. Marys district, please contact the Superintendent, Dr. Bill Watson at [email protected].
Provide Previous School Records
New students must provide the name, address, and phone number of your child(ren)’s previous school to request records.
Updated Medical Records & Proof of Birth
You will need your child’s up-to-date immunization record, dental screening, lead screening (preschool and kindergarten only), and proof of birth (such as a birth certificate).
*See Student Health Requirements Tab for forms and more information by grade level.
Apply for Free & Reduced Price School Meals
Learn more about the free and reduced meals program and how to apply here.
School Transportation
Transportation requests should be directed to Jessica Hart at [email protected] as soon as possible.
School Supply Lists
Elementary Student Daycare
Enroll your elementary student in before and after school daycare, and download the current school year’s daycare handbook. Learn more here: Visit Daycare Department
Open Enrollment
To open-enroll for the 2024-2025 school year, complete and return the open enrollment application to the Central Office as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding Open Enrollment, please contact the Superintendent, Dr. Bill Watson at [email protected].